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Earthquake in China

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck the northwestern region of China's Xhinjiang province on 08 August. Two aftershocks were also reported a few minutes later at 5.2 and 5.3 magnitude. No casualties or damage were reported by authorities.

The Xinjiang quake struck at a depth of 11 km and although there were no towns within 20km in the sparsely populated remote areas near the epicentre, residents several hundred km away felt the tremors.

A few hours earlier a strong quake shook the south western province of Sichuan (in a related Charter activation) and affected over 100,000 houses and killed at least 19 people.

Type of Event:Earthquake
Location of Event:China
Date of Charter Activation:9 August 2017
Time of Charter Activation:10:32:00
Time zone of Charter Activation:UTC+08:00
Charter Requestor:National Disaster Reduction Center of China (NDRCC)
Activation ID:542
Project Management:NDRCC


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