

用于支持全球救灾的卫星数据 更多

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  • 其中一些组织为世界特定地区提供灾害监测服务,并与宪章合作,向最终用户分发数据
  • 数据提供者提供更多卫星数据,用于监测灾害。
  • 增值产品供应商根据卫星数据制作地图说明和评估灾害情况。
最小化 Data contributors
Find out which organisations contribute data from their satellites to the Charter. These companies add to the Charter Members' virtual constellation, providing a wide range of satellites and data to support disaster monitoring.
最小化 Cooperating bodies
Learn about Cooperating Bodies who provide disaster management services worldwide and have cooperating relations with the Charter, or do so for specific regions of the world. They work with the Charter to further distribution of data to end users around the world.
最小化 Value adding organisations
Discover organisations that provide value-adding services for the Charter, producing maps based on satellite data for use in interpreting and assessing disaster situations.
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