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Cyclone Phethai in India

Cyclone Phethai, a severe cyclonic storm, hit the coastal region of Andhra Pradesh on the afternoon of 17 December. Phethai had wind speeds of up to 80kmph and brought heavy rains.

10,000 people were prepared for disaster response and the Indian Navy warned fishermen along the coastline for two days in advance of the storm.

Several flights were cancelled to the port city of Visakhapatnam due to the turbulent weather conditions, and many trains were disrupted across the region.

Phethai is expected to weaken in the coming hours, though response teams remain on high alert and relief centres are open for people displaced by the conditions.

Type of Event:Ocean Storm - Cyclone
Location of Event:India
Date of Charter Activation:2018-12-17
Time of Charter Activation:12:38
Time zone of Charter Activation:UTC+05:30
Charter Requestor:ISRO
Activation ID:593
Project Management:National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC)


Flood areas in Andhra Pradesh State, India

Copyright: ResourceSat-2 data and products © ISRO (2018) - All rights reserved
UK-DMC2 © DMCii 2018, distribution DMCii, all rights reserved
Map produced by NRSC/ISRO

Information about the Product

Acquired: ResourceSat-2: 21/03/2018
UK-DMC2: 21/12/2018

Source: ResourceSat-2 / UK-DMC2

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