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Charter activations

Flood in Nepal

A glacial lake outburst in Nepal caused flash floods and mudslides on the Thame River in Solukhumbu district on 16 August.

The flood severely damaged the village of Thame. Though no lives were lost, 20 houses, a school, and health clinic were destroyed by debris and boulders swept down the mountain by flood waters.

At least 135 people have been left homeless. Rescue efforts are ongoing, along with an investigation into the cause of the glacial lake outburst.


Related Resources:

Sentinel Asia activation for Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) in Solukhumbu, Nepal

Тип события:Flood
Место события:Nepal
Date of Charter Activation:2024-08-17
Время активации Хартии:12:35
TЧасовой пояс в районе активации Хартии:UTC+09:00
Запрос на активацию поступил от:ADRC on behalf of Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Номер активации:901
Менеждер проекта от:Kabir Uddin (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD))
act-value-adders:Suwanan Sateiandee (UNOSAT)


Flood inundation map of Thame, Nepal

Авторские права: © Planet Labs Inc. (2024)
Map produced by ICIMOD

Information about the Product

Получено: 17/08/2024, 15/08/2024

Источник: PlanetScope

Категория: Reference Map

Flood inundation map of Thame, Nepal

Авторские права: © Planet Labs Inc. (2024)
Map produced by ICIMOD

Information about the Product

Получено: 15/08/2024, 17/08/2024

Источник: PlanetScope

Категория: Reference Map

Landslide/mudslide Impact in Thame Village, Solukhumbu District, Koshi Province

Авторские права: © Planet Labs Inc. (2024)
Map produced by UNOSAT / UNITAR

Information about the Product

Получено: PlanetScope: 17/08/2024
GF-2: 07/04/2024

Источник: PlanetScope / GF-2

Категория: Delineation Map

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