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Charter activations

Flood in Afghanistan

According to assessments conducted to date, floods have affected approximately 10,000 households in five provinces in the Northern region (Jawzjan, Faryab, Balkh, Samangan and Sari Pul) and four provinces in the Northeastern region (Kunduz, Baghlan, Takhar and Badakhshan). Flooding in the north and northeast is expected to continue and worsen, due to heavy rains and to snow melting.

Тип события:Flood
Место события:Afghanistan
Date of Charter Activation:19/05/2009
Запрос на активацию поступил от:UNOOSA on behalf of OCHA Afghanistan
Менеждер проекта от:SERTIT


Afghanistan - Takhar river area

Авторские права: JAXA, METI 2009, USGS 2001, SERTIT 2009, ESRI Image processing, map created 26/05/2009 by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 08/07/2001, 21/011/2008, 24/05/2009

Источник: LANDSAT7 ETM+, 14.25m/pixel, PALSAR 6.25m/pixel

Afghanistan - Kunduz area, confluence of Kunduz River and Takhar tributary

Авторские права: JAXA, METI 2009, USGS 2001, SERTIT 2009, ESRI Image processing, map created 25/05/2009 by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 08/07/2001, 20/02/2009, 23/05/2009

Источник: LANDSAT7 ETM+, 14.25m/pixel, PALSAR 6.25m/pixel

Afghanistan - Jowzjan and Balkh provinces Feyzabab, downriver of Balkh

Авторские права: Copyright CNES 2009, SERTIT 2009, ESRI Image processing, map created 22/05/2009 by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 22/05/2009

Источник: SPOT 5, 5m/pix

Afghanistan - Jowzjan and Balkh provinces Balkh area

Авторские права: CNES 2009, SERTIT 2009, ESRI Image processing, map created 22/05/2009 by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 21/05/2009, 22/05/2009(Spot)

Источник: SPOT 5, 5m/pixel

Afghanistan - Jowzjan and Balkh provinces Balkh area

Авторские права: CNES 2009, SPOT IMAGE SA, SERTIT 2009, ESRI, USGS 2001 Image processing, map created 22/05/2009 by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 31/07/2001, 03/05/2009, 21/05/2009, 29/06/2009

Источник: SPOT 5, 5m/pixel, LANDSAT7 ETM+, 14.25m/pixel

Afghanistan - Baghlan area

Авторские права: SERTIT 2009, USGS 2001 Image processing, map created 21/05/2009 by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 08/07/2001

Источник: LANDSAT7 ETM+, 14.25m/pixel

Afghanistan - Balkh, Kunduz, Takhar and Baghlan areas

Авторские права: NASDRA 2008, UKSA, SERTIT 2009, USGS 2001, ESRI Tratamiento de imagenes, mapa creado 21/05/2009 por SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 22/06/2008, 2001

Источник: LANDSAT7 ETM+, 14.25m/pixel, DMC NigeriaSat-1, 32m/pixel

Reference map - Afghanistan - Kunduz, Takhar and Baghlan area

Авторские права: USGS 2001, SERTIT 2009, ESRI Image processing, map created 20/05/2009 by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Получено: 08/07/2001

Источник: LANDSAT7 ETM+, 14.25 m pixel

Reference map - Afghanistan - Jowzjan and Balkh provinces, Balkh area

Авторские права: USGS 2001, SERTIT 2009, ESRI Image processing, map created 20/05/2009 by SERTIT.

Information about the Product

Получено: 03/05/2001, 29/06/2001, 31/07/2001

Источник: LANDSAT7 ETM+, 14.25 m pixel

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