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Fire in Bolivia

The Bolivian government declared a national emergency on 9 September due to wildfires that have destroyed more than 3.8 million hectares of forests and grasslands nationwide.

Currently, 72 active fires are burning across the country, with Santa Cruz in the east the worst affected, reporting 64 major hotspots. Beni in the north-central part of the country has six active fires, while La Paz in the west and Pando in the north each have one.

The fires have put key ecological regions at risk, including Noel Kempff Mercado National Park and protected areas in San Ignacio de Velasco and Concepcion in Santa Cruz.

The country's firefighting forces are stretched thin and the government has called for international aid. Indigenous volunteers tried to protect land they use to grow crops and feed livestock near the Chiquitano forest north of Concepcion that extends towards Brazil and Paraguay, but some have been forced to evacuate.

South America is in the throes of its peak fire season, that spans August and September, after an unusually early fire season started devastating the country in July following a drought.


Related Resources:

Web Map for fire in Bolivia

SIPAM Fire Map

INPE Fire Map

Тип события:Fire
Место события:Bolivia, Plurinational State Of
Date of Charter Activation:2024-09-07
Время активации Хартии:19:54
TЧасовой пояс в районе активации Хартии:UTC-03:00
Запрос на активацию поступил от:CENAD on behalf of INPE
Номер активации:908
Менеждер проекта от:Alisson Cleiton Oliveira (INPE)
Jose BisinotiNeto (CENAD)
Brenda Rocha (INPE)
Teodoro Hunger (UNITAR/UNOSAT)
Camila Gonçalves dos Santos (UFRRJ)
Igor Lisboa (CENSIPAM)


Burned areas and fire foci in Beni, La Paz and Santa Cruz states

Авторские права: copyright (2024) INPE
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 24/09/2024

Источник: CBERS-4

Категория: Delineation Map

Wildfires in Santa Cruz Bolivia

Авторские права: USGS/NASA Landsat Program
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 22/09/2024

Источник: Landsat-9

Категория: Delineation Map

Fire lines detected in Santa Cruz

Авторские права: copyright (2024) INPE
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: CBERS-4: 23/09/2024

Источник: CBERS-4

Категория: Delineation Map

Wildfires in Santa Cruz Bolivia

Авторские права: USGS/NASA Landsat Program
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 21/09/2024

Источник: Landsat-8

Категория: Delineation Map

Advance of the lines of fire in Bolivia

Авторские права: USGS/NASA Landsat Program
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 21/09/2024

Источник: Landsat-8

Категория: Delineation Map

Wildfires in Bolivia and Brazil

Авторские права: USGS/NASA Landsat Program
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 21/09/2024

Источник: Landsat-8

Категория: Delineation Map

Advancement of fire lines in Bolivia

Авторские права: copyright (2024) INPE

Information about the Product

Получено: 20/09/2024

Источник: CBERS-4

Категория: Delineation Map

Fire line advancing north of Santa Cruz State

Авторские права: (2024) INPE
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 18/09/2024

Источник: CBERS-4

Категория: Delineation Map

Wildfires in Bolivia

Авторские права: copyright (2024) INPE
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 17/09/2024

Источник: CBERS-4

Категория: Reference Map

Line of fire in Santa Cruz State, Bolivia

Авторские права: © INPE (2024)

Information about the Product

Получено: 17/09/2024

Источник: CBERS-4

Категория: Delineation Map

Area affected by fires in the region of Bolivia.

Авторские права: USGS/NASA Landsat Program
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 11/09/2024

Источник: Landsat-9

Категория: Delineation Map

Area affected by fires in the region of Bolivia.

Авторские права: USGS/NASA Landsat Program
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 11/09/2024

Источник: Landsat-9

Категория: Delineation Map

Wildfires in Bolivia- Ñuflo De Chávez, Velasco, Angel Sandoval and Chiquitos (Bolivia) and Mato Grosso state (Brazil)

Авторские права: © INPE (2024)
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 08/09/2024

Источник: CBERS-4

Категория: Reference Map

Wildfires in Bolivia- Ñuflo De Chávez, Velasco, Angel Sandoval and Chiquitos (Bolivia) and Mato Grosso state (Brazil)

Авторские права: © INPE (2024)
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 11/09/2024

Источник: Amazonia-1

Категория: Reference Map

Burned areas around Posto de Comando Integrado

Авторские права: USGS/NASA Landsat Program
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 13/09/2024

Источник: Landsat 9

Категория: Delineation Map

Burn scars near Posto Tres Lagunas

Авторские права: USGS/NASA Landsat Program
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 13/09/2024

Источник: Landsat 9

Категория: Delineation Map

Burn scars and fire foci in Bolivia

Авторские права: © INPE (2024)
Map produced by NRSC

Information about the Product

Получено: 13/09/2024

Источник: CBERS-4

Категория: Delineation Map

Burn scars near Posto Florida

Авторские права: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2024)
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 13/09/2024

Источник: Sentinel-2

Категория: Delineation Map

Area affected by fires in the region of Mato Grosso and Bolivia

Авторские права: © INPE (2024)
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 11/09/2024

Источник: Amazonia-1

Категория: Delineation Map

Area affected by fires in the region of Mato Grosso and Bolivia

Авторские права: © INPE (2024)
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 11/09/2024

Источник: Amazonia-1

Категория: Delineation Map

Area affected by fires in the region of the municipalities of Trinidad, San Andrés and Loreto

Авторские права: © INPE (2024)
Map produced by INPE

Information about the Product

Получено: 10/09/2024

Источник: Amazonia-1

Категория: Reference Map

Wildfires in Ñuflo De Chávez, Velasco, Angel Sandoval and Chiquitos (Bolivia) and Mato Grosso state (Brazil)

Авторские права: © INPE (2024)
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 11/09/2024

Источник: Amazonia-1

Категория: Reference Map

Wildfires in Bolivia (Beni and Santa Cruz State)

Авторские права: © INPE (2024)
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 11/09/2024

Источник: CBERS-4

Категория: Delineation Map

Service Station in Bolivia

Авторские права: USGS/NASA Landsat Program
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 05/09/2024

Источник: Landsat 8

Категория: Delineation Map

Serra Santa Barbara State Park - Brasil/Bolivia

Авторские права: USGS/NASA Landsat Program
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 06/09/2024

Источник: Landsat 9

Категория: Delineation Map

Wildfires in Bolivia near Brazil

Авторские права: © INPE (2024)
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 09/09/2024

Источник: CBERS-4

Категория: Delineation Map

Wildfires in Beni State near Brazil

Авторские права: © INPE (2024)
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 08/09/2024

Источник: CBERS-4

Категория: Delineation Map

Wildfires in Bolivia (San Matías) and Brazil (Mato Grosso State)

Авторские права: USGS/NASA Landsat Program
Map produced by CENAD

Information about the Product

Получено: 07/09/2024

Источник: Landsat 8

Категория: Delineation Map

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