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The International Charter in five minutes


05 11月 2018

The International Charter in five minutes

A new video about the Charter has been released today, providing an overview of what the International Charter: Space and Major Disasters is, and how it works. It contains statements from Charter staff as well as representatives of user organisations that have benefitted from the Charter. It also explains how users - typically disaster management authorities of countries worldwide - can become authorised users and ask for imagery from the Charter in the event of a major disaster.

The Charter is a truly international group of space agencies and space data providers, and provides support upon request after major disasters worldwide by providing free satellite imagery and derived information products.

If you represent an organisation that would benefit from participation, learn more about how to become a Charter authorised user.

This video was produced by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and mostly filmed during a meeting of the Charter members and Project Manager Training in April 2018 at EUMETSAT in Darmstadt, Germany.