Minimizar Flood in Russia
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Flood in Russia

Charter activations

Flood in Russia

Flooding has occurred in the Omskaya and Tumenskaya regions of Russia due to rapid snow melting.

The most recent reports confirm that 210 residential buildings and 370 household plots have been flooded in the village of Ust-Ishim.

Reports indicate that the situation will worsen. As a precaution, two thousand residents from the affected areas have been evacuated to safe districts.

Type of Event:Flood
Location of Event:Russian Federation
Date of Charter Activation:2024-05-17
Time of Charter Activation:14:02
Time zone of Charter Activation:UTC+03:00
Charter Requestor:Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM)
Activation ID:882
Project Management:ROSCOSMOS
act-value-adders:NTs OMZ
Konstantin Homenkov (Geoniformation systems)


Flood in the Russian Federation in the Ust-Ishimsky District

Copyright: © ABAE (2024)
Map produced by Geo-Information Systems

Information about the Product

Acquired: 25/05/2024

Source: VRSS2

Category: Delineation Map

Flood in Tobolsk, Yarkova, Russia

Copyright: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2024)
Map produced by UE "Geoinformation Systems"

Information about the Product

Acquired: 19/05/2024

Source: Sentinel-2

Category: Reference Map

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