Floods and landslides in Ecuador

Heavy rains continued to pour in Jocay, Ecuador this week, causing flooding across coastal communities.

In an official statement from the Ecuadorian government, they announced that at least 20 people were killed and 65 people were severly injured due to flooding within coastal provinces.

166 homes have been destroyed and 2,823 people have been evacuated from their homes to shelters and other communities.

In February, hundreds of people fled their homes to seek shelter after severe rains caused floods and damaged local crops and produce.

Ecuador's National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology forecast further heavy rains during the months of March and April.


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Date of Charter Activation
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Charter Requestor
USGS on behalf of Secretaría Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos - SNGR (Ecuador)
Activation ID
Project Management
Oficina de Gestión Corporativa de CLIRSEN Quito - ECUADOR
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