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Earthquake in Peru

A magnitude 8.0 earthquake struck off the coast of central Peru at 06:40:57 PM local time on 15 August. The epicentre was located at 60 km north-west of Pisco city. Media provisionally reported 337 dead and 1300 wounded.

Type of Event:Earthquake
Location of Event:Pisco city, Peru
Date of Charter Activation:16/08/2007 16:15 UTC
Charter Requestor:SIFEM
Project Management:INDECI(Civil Protection Agency from Peru)


Estimated Earthquake Intensity

Copyright: Credit UNOSAT Image processing, map created 17/08/2007 by UNOSAT. Higher resolution version

Information about the Product

Acquired: d: 15-17/08/2007 Extent and variation of estimated ground shaking throughout the affected region, based on the USGS-calculated Shakemap data and the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale.

Source: USGS Shakemap data

Estimated Population Density in Earthquake-Affected Regions

Copyright: Credits: Landscan, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2004 Image processing, map created 16/08/2007 by UNOSAT. Higher resolution version

Information about the Product

Acquired: d: 2004 Estimated population density for the earthquake affected regions of western Peru. Population density (LandScan) was estimated for 2004 by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Earthquake epicenters were provided by the USGS and represent all recorded events between 15-17 August 2007. Preliminary analysis, not yet verified in the field.

Source: Landscan 2004

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