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INPE lead the International Charter: Space and Major Disasters


16 December 2024

INPE lead the International Charter: Space and Major Disasters


The 52nd meeting of the International Charter: Space and Major Disasters took place from 7 to 11 October 2024 in São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE). INPE´s leadership will be in effect for the next six months, from October 2024 to April 2025.

During the 52nd meeting, the Disasters Charter participants evaluated reports from users of satellite images, defined improvements and updated the Charter strategic planning.

Among the results of the meeting, highlights include an agreement to use images from the Chinese company Siwei, and the continuation of partnerships with the United Nations space agencies (UNOOSA and UNOSAT) and with the Sentinel Asia and Copernicus programs.

During the week of the meeting, the Charter organized a training for Value Adders. With the support of three expert GIS instructors: Zachary Foltz (ESA), Alexandre Homem de Mello (INPE) and Alisson de Oliveira (INPE), the group used a number of mapping tools (from the Charter Mapper) to address a series of disaster topics where the production of essential and crucial disaster related geographic information data using the Charter optical and radar satellites were fundamental. The training focused on two activations from the Charter, both in Brazil: one related to floods and the other floods and landslides.


Additionally, during the meeting in Brazil, an activation for Hurricane Milton in the United States took place (activation 920). The Charter has noticed a trend in recent years for an increasing number of major disasters, such as the unprecedented flood this year in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (activation 875). The Charter was fundamental to help the Brazilian government and society to deal with the crisis. In a scenario where the whole world is facing many challenges, and climate change is posing an increasing danger, the Charter initiative has been a great tool to support and assist impacted lives.