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Charter activations

Earthquake in South Korea

A magnitude 5.4 earthquake struck the south-east coast of South Korea, 6 km north of Pohang City. Residents of the captial Seoul, over 300km away, could feel the tremors and have reported buildings shaking.

Building walls crumbled, and windows shattered at the epicentre, though the Korea Meteorological Administration said only minor casualties and no major damage have been reported. South Korean media showed some damage to cars and buildings and images of school students taking shelter in playgrounds.

This 5.4 magnitude quake comes just days after a 5.8 magnitude earthquake in neighbouring Japan.

Type of Event:Earthquake
Location of Event:South Korea
Date of Charter Activation:2017-11-15
Time of Charter Activation:18:02
Time zone of Charter Activation:UTC+01:00
Charter Requestor:NDMI
Activation ID:560
Project Management:KARI


Mapa de distribución del epicentro y réplicas

Copyright: Pleiades © CNES (2017) - Distribución: Airbus Defence and Space, reservados todos los derechos
Mapa producido por National Disaster Management Research Institute, Ministry of the Interior and Safety

Information about the Product

Acquired: 16/11/2017

Source: Pleiades

Evaluación de daños en Pohang, Corea del Sur

Copyright: Pleiades © CNES (2017) - Distribución: Airbus Defence and Space, reservados todos los derechos
Mapa producido por Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources

Information about the Product

Acquired: 16/11/2017

Source: Pleiades

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