Register as an Authorized User
The principle of Universal Access opens registration to any national disaster management authorities, assuming they meet the criteria and follow the procedures defined for an Authorised User.
Download the formBecome an Authorized User
To participate in the Charter as an Authorised User, granting your organisation the ability to submit a request for satellite imagery in the event of a major disaster, complete the registration form.
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Be a national disaster management authority or its delegated agency in that country
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Have the capacity to download and utilise maps
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Be able to submit and pursue its activation requests in English
Additional information for candidates
The entity or its delegated agency should have a national mandate to coordinate emergency response measures in the respective country.
The material provided by the Charter could be either remotely sensed imagery or derived information products such as crisis or damage assessment maps.
The basic information to be provided during an activation request includes:
- date and time of disaster occurrence
- affected area with geographic coordinates (Latitude/Longitude)
- type of hazard
- name of the contact person for any communication with the Charter
After completing the registration form
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Please submit the registration form, together with a cover letter of the user organisation, to the Charter Executive Secretariat (ExecutiveSecretariat@disasterscharter.org), which coordinates Charter operations.
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The request will be processed by the Charter members who may ask for additional clarification or information.
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The final acceptance of a national user is subject to approval and written notification via official letter by the Charter Board, the policy body of the Charter.
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New users will be asked to sign a document specifying certain procedures and contacts for Charter activation requests. This is necessary to ensure adherence to Charter rules and to avoid loss of time and resources during emergencies.